Should You Allow The Application Of Chemical Biocide Inside Air Ducts?

This is a good question and a relevant one if you are about to get your air ducts cleaned by you or by a licensed cleaning service. There is no EPA registered biocide currently in the list that could be introduced on fiberglass board or ducts with fiberglass lining. However air duct cleaning Miami will be able to determine as they will obviously use chemicals to clean ducts and tell you so.  The apparent reason is to kill germs like bacteria or mold and also eradicate them from reappearing in the future.Some duct cleaning service will introduce ozone to kill them and it is a highly reactive gas applied and regulated on the air outside as lung irritant. Considerable amount of controversy appears in the necessity of using these chemicals for duct cleaning.  
air duct cleaning Miami

Regulation of chemical biocides is with EPA jurisdiction under Federal pesticide law and it is mandatory for products to be registered with the body for particular use. Before it can be used legally for a purpose the chemicals should be approved by EPA and the label on the product must explain the specific uses. So you must check whether the chemical used is in contravention with what is instructed in the label as it could amount to violation of the Federal laws.

Only allow the use of registered chemicals

EPA has registered a small group of products currently for particular uses and it is mentioned on the inner sides of the metal air ducts bare sheets. There are several sanitizers registered with EPA that could be applied on hard surfaces such as the interiors of metal sheet ducts. Many of the registered products can be used in bare sheet metal ducts but they are not eligible for use in lined ducts. No specific chemicals are registered for the use on fiberglass lined ducts so it is vital that you check for fiberglass sections in your system before allowing chemicals to be applied. Having said that it is also important to note that Air duct cleaning for Lauderdale is in the scene for quite long time and have been successfully applying cleaning materials that are suitable chemicals for duct cleaning. For safe and sound duct cleaning, call on the services of Coolex USA and use phone number 305-985-2665 to talk to a representative.


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